Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Starting Early

Vasu Reddy From Chicago

Everyone must have some sort of a resolution for the New Year.  The typical practice is to procrastinate until the last day of the year and the make a resolution at the end of the old year to do something which is quite simple day to day routine, and then right after the new day (of the new year) forget about it.  I am going to lose weight. I am going to work harder, I am going to make more money. I am going to finish the project I started, I am going to finish school, I am going to get a better job, I am going to call my family and friends, and so on and on are many of the normal New Year resolutions that we make, and hardly follow through on them.

We are optimistic in nature as human beings and hopeful of something better every day in life, and constantly want to do better, bigger and greater and whatever if the next best thing in life, and new year is the time to keep reminding one’s self that the next 365 days will hold a better something for self and everyone around.  It is certainly a great way to at least resolve one’s self that something that is as simple as weight loss is something we must resolve ourselves to make an effort to remember and make an attempt to follow through.

Politicians must have a great time during New Year in making resolutions.  Almost certain that they can’t keep them, but still balancing the budget, reducing the employment, fighting crime, and on and on, along with keeping their job for one more term are great resolutions. Although practically impossible the resolutions or pronouncements are good to hear and make great sound bites, but simply fall through the cracks by the end of the first quarter of the year.  As most things that gets side tracked or ignored, political promises are as good as resolutions and seldom get any mention after they are made.  To have the resolve to keep up to the resolutions is no longer a political strategy, rather simply making the pronouncements to the audience is the name of the political game.

Personal resolutions are not as simple to keep as the practice to do something requires regular attention, and just by making a resolution on the 31st of December will not make it any easier or more difficult to all of a sudden start a new routine.  We perhaps think of the long holidays between before Christmas and after the New Year and start to believe that we can establish a new behavior pattern, and it rather becomes a more difficult new practice as we become lethargic due to the long holiday. Adults and kids get used to doing nothing during the long break and will seldom want to get back to normal routine, leaving along a brand new routine, which will be more demanding than the regular routine.

It is great to benchmark what to do (what new to do) for the next 365 days, but why wait until the first day of the New Year, and why not just get started the day when you thought of the new task or renewing an old task?

It is for all practical purposes a day to think of the New Year in the calendar and also a typical time for celebration for all people.  We just think of the beginning of a calendar year as a time to just hang out and also start to think of one more year to live and look forward to, and the New Year resolutions are a simple way to rethink what was done in the past year and also what was left undone.

Happy New Year Everyone, wishing everyone a great 2015. 

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