Wednesday, September 26, 2007


September 25, 2007
Vasu Reddy in Chicago

If there was a name that is pronounced each day, daily, and if it gets counted the total number of times people say it - Rama is definitely going to reverberate around the Universe daily. The Hindu God Rama or Srirama is the single most revered God in the history of Hinduism. There are no parallels to his virtues, no comparisons to his leadership, no blemish in his personality and not a single story that has been told that belittles his good name.

In the last few weeks the reports on Lord Rama’s existence and if it can be proved if he built Ram Setu Bridge to Lanka has been questioned by the authorities who want to dredge the bridge. As stupid as it sounds to question the believability in Rama, it is also quite foolish to link the easy way to dredge the holy bridge to weather the Lord really went to engineering school and which one?

Hindus everywhere worship and adore Rama. If some idiot questions of his existence let us simply remember that Rama is forever and everywhere. There is no need to prove if he existed many thousands of years ago, as he lives in every person who believes in him. There is no need for dredging Ram Setu as it will cost very little to dredge the land around it and not touch the holy belief of Hindus.

May be God will make sure that the idiots who question the existence of Rama will somehow realize that there is no reason to destroy beliefs of those who do. The non-believers are human and will never live tens of thousands of years, as the Lord Rama has, and forever be remembered.

The government of India and the state, the current politicians who were elected is specs of dust compared to the name Rama. They will be gone soon, and Rama as he has been through the ages will be revered forever.

Just build the stupid canal thru the land mass and don’t touch Ram Setu. You can believe whatever you chose to but don’t be stupid to ask if Rama really went to an engineering college and which one? Remember that the good Lord Rama did not need engineering degrees and archeological departments; he did this with Monkeys and a Squirrel. Let me emphasize that all of them are smarter than you stupid idiots who question the most revered name in Human History.


Balaji Chitra Ganesan said...

>> no blemish in his personality and not a single story that has been told that belittles his good name.

surely you have not read Ramayan, have you? if you had, you would know thatRama killed Vali by hiding behind a tree and sending an arrow to his back and that Rama was a male chavunist who sent his wife Sita to the forest/fire and that he was an irresponsible father who let his kids be born and brought up in the forest.

>> weather the Lord really went to engineering school and which one?

do you have any humor at all? Karunanidhi was only joking when he asked that.

>> Hindus everywhere worship and adore Rama.

Lots of Tamils don't worship rama. We worship Murugan/Perumal/Shiva/Amman. Don't give me the Aryan shit that Ram is a form of Perumal. Ram was an Aryan King. Your believing in something cannot affect the way I think about him.

>> There is no need for dredging Ram Setu as it will cost very little to dredge the land around it and not touch the holy belief of Hindus.

yep. screw the millions of people who live on the land, damage the ecology, waste people's hard earned tax money because some 300 metres hole in a 30KM 'ramar setu' will bring Rama crashing down. and you call yourself a believer?

>> The non-believers are human and will never live tens of thousands of years, as the Lord Rama has, and forever be remembered.

what about you, loser? you gonna live thousands of years too? why screw someone else's livelihood by blocking a development project in the short time you live?

>> he did this with Monkeys and a Squirrel.

yep. you believe monkeys built a bridge but it is us who are stupid. get a life, dude.

Vasu Reddy said...

Learn to respect everyone's views, and your name calling is as stupid as the justifications you make here. Do some research and stop using the little english you know. Go thru the Internet to realize the stupidity of people dredging the Ram Setu and wasting money and killing the eco system, and taking the livelyhood of millions. Entire communities in Tamilnadu are aginst this and ithas been published for several years.

And the idiotic comments by anyone can't be called jokes. They are stupid. If Siva is a god so is Rama, or anyone else the Hindus identify as gods.

Yes, teh monkey's are much more intelligent than the idiots who make stupid comments.

Vasu Reddy said...

Community and scientific support for stopping the dredging of Ram such link..please browse through..

Balaji Chitra Ganesan said...

>> Do some research
>> Go thru the Internet

yep! because you'll not even make a cursory attempt to understand the project. but others shud 'learn' to come and accept your views?

Vasu Reddy said...

You don't have to accept my comments, but you can eat yours. Who are you trying to support? God or Eco System? Neither religious or scientific support exists for this dredging of Ram Setu.

I gave a single link as a reference that dispels your poor comments. It will enlighten you to look at it and if you can understand it.

I repeat that it is stupid in any way you want to disrupt Ram Setu, as it hurts the eco system and also the sentiments of believers in God.

The Inglorious Representation of Lord Rama

The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago and also more information is available at