Friday, December 24, 2021

The Theory of Nothing

Vasu Reddy from Chicago

There are theories for everything.  I have been trying to find some solace in working every holiday, hoping that me showing up to work will help someone else who will celebrate the holiday, while I cover the time that I could have been doing nothing.  Perhaps for last 5 years I have put someone else ahead of my own theory of doing nothing, while letting other's let me work the holidays.  2021 has not been any different.

There is no absolute value to sacrifice and courtesy when it is not your turn.  No one seems to care and no one really gives two hoots about your time and effort.  The time value is personal and when you offer your time it is assumed that you are in the mode of self sacrifice, and it has no real value. "The theory of nothing."

2021 is almost done, actually in the last week.  Has been another year of Corona Virus variations, and it seem to never end.  I continue to work as much as I can, just as I did in 2020.  What a funny name for a crappy year "2020".  I was too glad that the year is almost in hind site, just as should be the reference to 2020.  The funny part is 2021 is exactly with same life lessons as it was 2020, and I am happy these 2 years are behind us.

I hope tp feel 2022 is a step to normalcy.  Whatever that means by normalcy.  My optimism has limits and although there no cynic that has surfaced within me in the last 24 months, my age probably has made me a bit open to the Theory of Nothing.  It really has.  I see even people less than half my age don't empathize with selflessness.  They are probably thinking it's their privilege.  Actually I have not seen empathy as an emotion lately.  Just nothing.  Only self preservation at any cost.

Let me get to my own "Theory of Nothing" now.  It serves no purpose.  As a ZERO by itself is really nothing, but a zero with something with in front of it will make it of value and the numbers will add up.  I have to start 2022 soon, and I have start believing in the theory of something (no more nothing).  I have to start behaving like the rest of my fellow Americans and start being selfish about my own time.  I am after all speeding forward, and my time is as good as anyone else's.

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Independence Day 2021

Vasu Reddy from Chicago

I am along with just about everyone else in America look forward to Independence Day every year. In 2020 Corona Virus dominated the airwaves and the world, and everything about independence was muted, or shut down. There was only essential workers that were slogging and everyone else sidelined, laid-off, furloughed and on government support. 

The rich really did not suffer as they were well placed to get richer, but common man was restricted and waiting for a shot in the arm. I really mean that literally. Having the resources was very important to survive the pandemic.

Even simple things such as Internet and a computer to be a part of online classes made a huge difference for children to simply attend school. Parents had no choice but to make a working computer and Internet be available to children to go to school. Food and medicine were also at a premium. Everything that people took for granted was simply out of bounds, and life had a clearly new set of guidelines.

After more than a year into it there was relief coming from the vaccinations, and government also intervened with providing assistance with unemployment and cash assistance. Weather the relief provided was enough or not, or it reached people who most needed it, weather politicians were thinking of people, so many questions but the government despite its political differences made many help line to assist people with the pandemic.

I am not sure if everyone agrees with how much is enough, but definitely 2 different people running the country in the time of the pandemic, both made efforts to send money and support to all people of the nation. My personal preferences on which party I support doesn’t make any impact on what is needed by the common man in the time of extreme need. I also am fully cognizant of the all people in bucket for help might not be the best case support structure.

We are seeing that some of the employment being ignored as people got so used to free money and benefits and coming back to work might be a bit difficult as the freebies might outweigh the paycheck. But as with anything good or bad, there is an end to it. People should be getting back to work, and tap of freebies is being shut down or going to run out of funds and essentially the personal need will bring most people back to work, and payroll.

Personally I worked more through the pandemic and did not want to stay home. I felt being essential was important despite my health concerns. I felt needed and I also felt good that I survived the pandemic and I also continued to show-up for work every day. I would have it no other way. As soon as the vaccine was available I got both my doses, as well as everyone in my family including the children did get the vaccine. It was more to protect ourselves and also everyone around us.

No one in my family complained about the lack of freedom, lack of interaction or lack of anything. We just followed the rules set by the government and work place. It was not difficult as we were doing exactly what the nation was suggesting we do. Nothing political about our behavior, it was logical be to be safe and keep people safe around us. In fact it made little difference to make the work and life adjustments as a family, and I am happy we survived it.

We truly hope the rest of the nation will quickly get vaccinated and get proper protection against the virus, and we all go back to what we were used to as normal. It’s fun to go to the beach without a mask. It’s fun to walk the mall without a mask. It’s fun to go to work without a mask. It’s fun to do everything without covering half of your face, but it’s necessary to survive so you can look forward to the land of the free again.

2021 Independence Day a bit less stressful as we can look at what we did in 2020. I am referring to just hind sight, but the reality of a global scare. There was no nuclear war, there was no economic war, and there was an enemy that we had no weapon to attack that was blasted across the globe. We found a way to tackle the virus quickly and as the vaccine becomes available we will get back to a more normal world as we know. It is perhaps best to think that we will live with the virus and we will also record that we survived another crisis.

Over the ages nothing in the human survival strategy has changed. It is age old to face a crisis and find a way to survive and thrive. We always look forward a better future, irrespective of circumstances. I too feel that kids and adults will look at their after pandemic life as a blessing. It will once again be a place of freedom, literally a face without a mask, and a handshake with a warm hand. I personally was happy to be working and while it was stressful to worry about contracting the virus, I was equally satisfying to be a part of support solution. While 2021 Independence Day has some relief compared to 2020, here is hoping 2022 will be back to the celebration of individual freedom and forward looking.

The Inglorious Representation of Lord Rama

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